When dealing with the threat of school shooters, it is critical to take proactive measures.
Reaction is always slower than action, so it’s critical for schools and campuses to be proactive against school shootings. There are many ways to do this including important policy updates and faculty training, but also implementing important security measures and securing your facility as much as possible against potential threats.
Create a Web of Security
The best way to be proactive in protecting your school or campus is to install critical and sensible security measures that keep your students safe without being invasive. Rather than simply installing several individual systems, make it a point to create a web of security by integrating as much as possible. With systems working together, administrators and security officers will have an easier time monitoring each area and catching problems early. The idea behind a security web is that anyone looking to cause trouble will be caught by at least one security element, even if they figure out how to slip by some of the others. This entanglement of security systems makes it difficult for anyone to slip in or out unnoticed, ensuring security always has a handle on what’s happening around the school or campus.
Tailor Fit it to Your Needs
Not all schools and campuses are the same, so it’s absolutely critical that you discuss your security systems with a professional and have them tailor-fit to your facility’s needs. Systems should be adjusted for layout, population density, security blind spots, known problem areas, and other considerations. Tailoring the system to your needs allows you to tighten up security in every area of your school or campus in an effort to eliminate blind spots or vulnerable areas.
Automate Emergency Response
Systems have come a long way in automation and integration, which includes integration with external law enforcement and emergency response systems. These systems immediately notify emergency personnel and law enforcement during an active shooter incident, saving precious minutes and lives. In an emergency situation without these quick response measures, it can take up to 10x longer for law enforcement to arrive on the scene, allowing an active shooter to claim more victims and flee the scene. Discuss your options with your security professional to find the best solution for your facility to ensure a safer environment for your students and faculty.
Located in Columbia, Maryland, ARK Systems provides unsurpassed quality and excellence in the security industry, from system design all the way through to installation. We handle all aspects of security with local and remote locations. With over 30 years in the industry, ARK Systems is an experienced security contractor. Trust ARK to handle your most sensitive data storage, surveillance, and security solutions.
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