Even if your building has a functioning sprinkler system, you still need to have fire alarms installed and maintained. Here are some reasons why fire alarms are so important for your business.
Archive for the ‘Fire Alarm Systems’ Category
The Importance of Properly Inspected Commercial Fire Alarms
As we venture further into the summer, temperatures on the East Coast are only bound to go higher and higher. Any heat wave can be uncomfortable for you and your employees, but depending on what substances your company is engaged… Read More
What You Need to Know About Your Fire Alarm System
Whenever you own a business, you must always be on the lookout for any possible hazards. One of the biggest concerns for both property managers and business owners is the risk of a fire breaking out. Here is what you… Read More
Why You Need to Test Your Commercial Fire Alarm Systems
Even when you think that your building doesn’t contain any obvious fire hazards, that doesn’t mean you are completely protected against the possibility of fires. Your commercial fire alarm systems are a crucial first step in any fire protection program… Read More
Why Your Business Needs Fire Alarm Systems
No matter the time of year, a fire can always start unexpectedly. These events are dangerous not only to anyone inside the building but also threaten your business. Luckily, with the right fire alarm systems, you can ensure that your… Read More
Fire Safety With Low Frequency and Integration
In hotels, fire alarms are designed to make loud, intrusive noises that most people will hear and react to. However, people with hearing problems may not be able to hear the high-frequency sound produced by a fire alarm. Studies have… Read More
The Future of Fire Alarm Technology
As in countless tech sectors, fire alarm technology is advancing at a rapid pace and will continue to do so in coming years. One of the main drivers of advances in fire alarm technology will be the changing nature of… Read More
Improving Fire Alarm Systems
Fire alarm systems are among the most important security systems in a facility, but unlike surveillance cameras, which are usually monitored live, little attention is paid to fire alarm systems, for the simple reason that fires in facilities are a… Read More
Security Systems and Fire Alarms go Hand in Hand
The term “security” is rather vague. What does “security” really entail? Obviously security systems and surveillance systems fall into the realm of “security,” but what else? Well, what you might be surprised to learn is that many security officers nowadays… Read More