Using the cloud can greatly benefit your business. As technology continually improves, so does cloud security.
Using the cloud can greatly benefit your business. As technology continually improves, so does cloud security. But when migrating your files to cloud storage, it’s important to consider how vulnerable your data can be. Here are some valuable tips for keeping all of your information secure during the transition.
Create Data Backups
As convenient as digital data storage is, it’s essential to keep easily-accessible copies of your most important files. However, this doesn’t always mean relying on binders stored in cabinets. External hard drives and portable flash drives make excellent alternatives to increase your storage capabilities and guard against a disaster that could cut off your Internet access or internal wifi network. If this happens, then accessing the cloud becomes much more difficult.
Use Encryption
Another way to bolster your cloud security is to implement encryption protocols. The encryption will make your files even more secure because they need to be decrypted before they can be read. Using encryption is crucial for protecting sensitive information that you want to keep hidden from your competitors or potential hackers.
Use Antivirus Software
You also need to have antivirus software you can trust. The best antivirus software helps improve your cloud security by preventing malware, phishing, and ransomware attacks that could steal your data, disable your networks, or limit your access unless you take the proper steps to prevent them from entering your system.
Strengthen Your Passwords
Passwords help make a difference. They already protect your email accounts and any accounts that you need to log into, so it should stand to reason that passwords can help boost your company’s cloud security as well. You should change your existing passwords on a regular basis while keeping a log of what passwords are in use. If you need to repeat a password, try using different variants that aren’t easy to guess. You can also try adding two-factor authentication to make your login credentials even stricter.
Test Your Security
When it comes to ensuring cloud security for your business, you need to try all of these suggestions. However, sometimes you won’t know for sure how far you’ve come without testing your new security measures. Contracting an ethical or white-hat hacker to look for vulnerabilities in your cloud environment could help you discover whatever remaining weaknesses you need to address.
Trust the Professionals at ARK Systems
Located in Columbia, Maryland, ARK Systems provides unsurpassed quality and excellence in the security industry, from system design all the way through to installation. We handle all aspects of security with local and remote locations. With over 30 years in the industry, ARK Systems is an experienced security contractor. Trust ARK to handle your most sensitive data storage, surveillance, and security solutions.
Contact ARK Systems at 1-800-995-0189 or click here today. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!