A physical security assessment can help you get your facility’s security back on track so your business stays protected.
When you’re in charge of a facility and its security, it’s always a good idea to conduct a regularly-scheduled physical security assessment. This assessment will help you determine what kind of security issues your facility is facing, where your current security systems are lacking, and what can be done in order to improve the facility’s overall security.
Risk Identification
This is the first step in conducting a physical security assessment for your facility, and it’s never a bad idea to bring in a security professional for this part. The point of risk identification is to thoroughly identify every single possible risk to your facility. Taking note of every potential vulnerability is the starting point of your physical security assessment so that you can more easily narrow down the most important potential security threats.
Actual Risk
Once you’ve completed risk identification, the next step is to determine which of these risks are the most legitimate. Basically, ask yourself how likely it is that these potential security threats could actually occur. There are a lot of factors that go into determining which of these threats are the most legitimate, but figuring out which ones you need to protect your facility against the most will allow you to focus your physical security in areas where it’s most likely to have an impact.
Structural Health
If your building has poor structural health, it causes extra security vulnerabilities that need to be taken into consideration. The best way to deal with structural issues is to have them repaired as soon as possible to keep your building secure. Doors that don’t latch properly, windows that are damaged or can’t be locked, and even weak points in walls can be exploited by someone that is determined to access your facility. If these issues go unnoticed and uncorrected, it can put your facility at risk.
Security Systems
The next step is to take a hard look at your physical security systems. Check for blind spots, consider how old the system is, and think about whether the current systems are protecting your facility against the risks you identified earlier. If you feel like your systems aren’t doing what you need them to do, you should think carefully about how you can upgrade them for better security, and what could be added to your physical security network to make sure it’s as strong as you need it to be.
Security Procedures
The final step is going over your current security procedures. Think about important security operations that are already in place at your facility. This includes things like your facility’s emergency response plan—look it over, update it if needed, and determine if your staff are trained in these procedures. In addition, you should think about what your security needs during off-hours and whether you need extra security to protect your facility, such as a night guard or automatic alarm systems.
Located in Columbia, Maryland, ARK Systems provides unsurpassed quality and excellence in the security industry, from system design all the way through to installation. We handle all aspects of security with local and remote locations. With over 30 years in the industry, ARK Systems is an experienced security contractor. Trust ARK to handle your most sensitive data storage, surveillance, and security solutions.
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