Your organization, no matter what it is, needs more security measures than ever before. A visitor management system can help you make inroads in this regard. Contact tracing used to be something that wasn’t familiar to many companies and campus facility managers. So here is some advice for choosing the right system for you.
Eschew the Use of Paper Logs
Paper-based visitor logs used to be the most common format of tracking who comes and who goes. However, the rise of digital technology has allowed many agencies to advance – and this means that paper and filing cabinets have fallen out of favor. Electronic records are vital – especially for legibility. Many visitors will give obviously fake names and tend to forget to sign out when they are ready to leave. How are you supposed to store the paper files, and how can you keep privacy concerns at bay? These questions and many more should be the impetus for you to invest in electronic visitor management systems.
Electronic Sensors Can Scan IDs
Likewise, electronic sensors do an excellent job of scanning visitor identification credentials. Some examples include driver’s licenses, state-issued ID cards, and military ID cards – the last of which are essential for government contractors, military subcontractors, and military families who have authorized access to their bases. Necessary information such as name, address, and DOB are cataloged; as such, check-in procedures can be expedited. This setup, in turn, indicates the visitor’s purpose for being there and who they would like to see while they are on-premises.
Closely Monitor Photos
Photographs can be misleading, and in some cases, even deceptive. However, it can be years before someone is able to update their licenses – maybe they’ve moved, changed their name due to marriage or divorce, or have even altered minor details of their appearance such as eyeglasses or hair color! ID scanners are useful for when you need barcodes to be read and saved on file. New pictures can then be stored in the ever-changing database and webcams can save the picture for long-term record-keeping.
Create “Who to See” Databases
In that same vein, the so-called “who to see” databases are a necessity. Well-curated lists and database consistency can make finding results faster and easier, particularly when it comes to employees or students.
Update the Barred List
Finally, you’ll want to maintain a list of who is welcome to enter and who must not be allowed to come in; for example, adults without child custody should be kept off school grounds.
Trust the Professionals at ARK Systems
Located in Columbia, Maryland, ARK Systems provides unsurpassed quality and excellence in the security industry, from system design through to installation. We handle all aspects of security with local and remote locations. With over 30 years in the industry, ARK Systems is an experienced security contractor. Trust ARK to handle your most sensitive data storage, surveillance, and security solutions. Contact ARK Systems at 1-800-995-0189 or click here today. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!