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Fire Safety With Low Frequency and Integration

In hotels, fire alarms are designed to make loud, intrusive noises that most people will hear and react to. However, people with hearing problems may not be able to hear the high-frequency sound produced by a fire alarm. Studies have shown that a lower-frequency sound works better for waking people with hearing loss, and even sleeping individuals in general, not necessarily limited to those with hearing issues.


System Sensor has developed a new type of fire alarm for commercial settings such as hotels, which is designed to successfully wake those with moderate to severe hearing loss and heavy sleepers. The alarm produces a low frequency sound that is designed to alert those with hearing problems. The development of this new alarm coincides with new regulations that “took effect Jan. 1 for states or localities that have adopted the 2010 or 2013 editions of NFPA 72. Those editions require that all new commercial sleeping places must have an audible device that produces a low frequency tone centered around 520 Hz, according to a System Sensor news release.”


System Sensor’s new low-frequency fire alarm is also designed to integrate directly with fire alarm control panels, for easy installation and use.


fire alarm technology


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