Following the Newtown, Connecticut school shootings, the general public, especially parents and school employees, has had a new-found interest in improving school security. But how? School Safety Checklist Those who ignore History are doomed to repeat it: Before looking into… Read More
Remote Video Surveillance: The Future of the Security Industry
Remote Video Surveillance: The Future of the Security Industry Perimeter security is a constant struggle for many commercial facilities, but does it have to be? What if a security guard could send a picture of a suspicious car to a… Read More
What do you know about NIMS, NFPA 1600 and NFPA 1561?
As a security official, not only should you have a clear understanding of NIMS, NFPA 1600 and NFPA 1561, but you should also incorporate these codes into your building’s emergency management plan. This will help you better respond to an… Read More
School Security: Reassessing the Effectiveness of School Security Measures
After the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, it is no wonder that many schools are beginning to reassess their security measures. President Barack Obama even called for “meaningful action” that would help prevent future tragedies. So what are schools… Read More
Securing our Schools: What we learned from the Sandy Hook Shooting
During the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, shooter Adam Lanza, 20, forced his way into the school’s front entrance, an entrance that was locked and equipped with an intercom and camera system designed to screen visitors. So what could the… Read More
Access Control in Schools: Are your Children safe?
Today, more than ever before, it is incredibly important to monitor who comes and goes from our schools. And that is easier said than done. Between parents, vendors, volunteers, employees, and substitute teachers, the typical school experiences a lot of… Read More
Can Computers Replace Human Surveillance? Researchers say yes!
The United States government has recently funded the development of an automatic video surveillance technology designed by two researchers at Carnegie Mellon, Alessandro Oltramari and Christian Lebiere. The automatic surveillance technology is intended to detect and report illicit behavior. Oltramari… Read More
Happy Holidays from the ARK Systems Family to Yours
Every week, we take the time to help educate our readers on the latest and greatest innovations in the security industry. This week, however, we would like to take a step back and thank you, our customers, families, and friends,… Read More
Security Systems and Fire Alarms go Hand in Hand
The term “security” is rather vague. What does “security” really entail? Obviously security systems and surveillance systems fall into the realm of “security,” but what else? Well, what you might be surprised to learn is that many security officers nowadays… Read More
Private, Cloud-Based Managed Surveillance Systems: The Future of Security?
There are exciting things happening in the IT industry, from wireless, DVR, and IP technology to cloud computing. The face of surveillance systems are changing. And one of the biggest steps forward will be Private, Cloud-Based Managed Surveillance Systems. These… Read More