Have you ever heard of Baltimore’s CitiWatch program? If not, you should pay attention. CitiWatch is only one of the most sophisticated municipal surveillance networks in the United States. Launched in 2005 by former mayor Martin O’Malley, the program was… Read More
Inside Baltimore’s CitiWatch Program
- December 22nd, 2011
- Posted in ARK Systems, CitiWatch Program, intelligent technology, Mass Notification Systems, Security Trends, surveillance cameras, surveillance monitoring
- Tags: 50 cameras, ARK Systems, arksysinc.com, assessment, baltimore 2010, baltimore city, baltimore police department, cad, camera, cameras, cctv operator, cctv policy, citiwatch program, computer aided dispatch, crime statistics, criminal intelligence watch center, cross referenced, design, detection, Facebook, footage, gunshot, Inside Baltimore's CitiWatch Program, installation, license plate, live feeds, martin O'Malley, municipal surveillance, networks, pay attention, police work, prime locations, program, recognition, service, System, testing, Twitter
US Park Police Leverage Video Surveillance for Large Scale Events
- December 16th, 2011
- Posted in ARK Systems, business intelligence, surveillance cameras, surveillance monitoring
- Tags: a bold, Agencies, agency, american red cross, ark, ARK Systems, assessment, awareness, biological, broadcasting bandwidth, cameras, cameras together, cellular based systems, chemical, combat video degradation concerns, contractor, crowd control, crucial security, cutting edge video, D block, data casting, David Mulholland, design, detection, existing local networks, expert, Facebook, FBI, implemented, installation, life safety, mesh networks, mitigation, multiple communications, national center for missing and exploited children, new tricks, new video, not exploited, nuclear agents, official government facility, park police, Park police captin David Mulholland, platforms, public safety radio spectrum, radiological, recorded, redistributed, remote viewing, resource protection, restrictions, secret service, security concerns, service, single system, situational, special events, Surveillance, Technology, testing, Twitter, u.s. park police, uniformed policy agency, US Park Police Leverage Video Surveillance for Large Scale Events, utilization of television, video feed, video feeds, video sharing initiative state of the art, video surveillance sharing capabilities, we thought outside the box
Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? The country’s oldest uniformed police agency – the U.S. Park Police – has implemented a bold new video sharing initiative for its large-scale events. This cutting edge video surveillance technology… Read More
GSN Exclusive: Integrated security system will safeguard new WTC site
- December 8th, 2011
- Posted in ARK Systems, business intelligence, Early Warning Systems, ehanced business intelligence, intelligent technology, Security Trends, surveillance cameras, surveillance monitoring
- Tags: 10 years ago, access, access managment, ark, ARK Systems, autonomous, available, biological, building owners, buildings, chemical, comercial, contractor, control, cooling systems, coordination, crcuial security, credential management, design, doors, emergency situation, equipped, event, expert, Facebook, fire, fire alarms, GSN Exclusive: Integrated security system will safeguard new WTC site, heating, identity, information management, installation, installed, integrate identity, intercoms, intrusion, management, memorial, new system, nuclear detection systems, options, port authorities, portals, prevention coordination, radio communications, radiological, security awareness, security cameras, security gates, security project, service, shares, single platform, state of the art security systems, terrorist attacks, testing, the world trade center's new security platform, Twitter, utilize a security system, Video surveillance, world trade center
With security awareness heightened since the terrorist attacks of 10 years ago, it only makes sense that the new World Trade Center site be equipped with one of the most state-of-the-art security systems available. This is why the new site… Read More
Video Can Prove Valuable in Fire Applications
- December 2nd, 2011
- Posted in ARK Systems, surveillance cameras, surveillance monitoring
- Tags: alarm verification, ark, ARK Systems, arksysinc.com, burglar alarms, burglaries, cameras, conventional ip, corporate campus, design, dispatchers, DVR, efficient, environment, expertise, Facebook, False Alarms, fire, Fire Alarm, fire detection, hard wired, high traffic, hybrid systems, individuals, install, intruder, mircoprocessor, motion, national fire protection agency, new video, nfpa, security, security company, security system, smoke, Surveillance, Technology, Twitter, Video, Video Can Prove Valuable in Fire Applications, video imaging, video surveillance systems
You have video surveillance, you have a security system, and you have a fire alarm. But currently, they are all working as individuals systems. That doesn’t sound very efficient, does it? Fortunately, the security world agrees and has begun to… Read More
What To Do When Severe Storms Strike
- November 22nd, 2011
- Posted in ARK Systems, Early Warning Systems, intelligent technology, Mass Notification Systems
- Tags: address, ARK Systems, assessment, blizzards, certification, communications, community, company, contact, crucial security, damage, data communications, data networks, design, early warning systems, Effective, electronic, email, excellence, expert, Facebook, fire, flooding, goals, high quality, hurricans, ideas, impacts, impending danger, implementation, infrastructure, innovative designs, integrated solutions, irreversible devastation, life, maintenance, mass notification platforms, mass notification systems, message, mitigating damage, newest, options, outdoors, proven technologies, quality, safer, security alarm systems, service, severe weather, sirens, skilled craftsmen, sound, strikes, Systems, technical staff, testing, text messaging, threat, time, tornadoes, tornados, Twitter, utilize, Video, warning, warning message, What To Do When Severe Storms Strike
The threat of severe weather is ever present. Tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards and flooding can all cause irreversible devastation. But what if there was a way to minimize that damage, at least a little. Well, there is. One way to do… Read More
2011 Security Trends
- November 18th, 2011
- Posted in Security Trends
- Tags: 2011, 2011 security trends, 3d, ability, access, accurate, advanced, Advantages, affordable, affordable thermal, airports, algorithms, analog equipment, Analytics, any business, ark, ARK Systems, assessment, attention, Bandwidth, based, businesses, Cable, cabled, changing industry, closed circuit, cloud, coax, commercial thermal surveillance, common, compete, contractor, cost, cost video surveillance system, crucial security, deployed, design, dominate, dominate industry, economic environment, end-users, experience, expert, faceboo, Facebook, fairly expensive, flexibility, gain traction, grow, HD, hd video, hd-sdi, HDcctv, hdcctv compliant, hdcctv sales, high definition, high security, high security buildings, huge benefit, improving performance, IMS Research Predicts, IMS research predicts 2011 security industry trends, industry, infrastructure, installation, key benefit, long term, lying, major construction, Network, new, nuclear power plants, perception, place, plug n play, Price, prisons, Products, professional broadcast market, reduce, redundancy, remains, remember, Remote, retrofit market, rise, saving money, sd, security, Security Industry, security industry trends, Security Trends, sercurity, service, short term, small sampling, standard, starters, surge, Surveillance, surveillance world, Technology, television, testing, thermal camera, thermal cameras, thermal surveillance, traditional, transmission, trenching, trends, trendy innovation, Twitter, unmanageabe, until prices drop, viable replacement, Video, video data, video solutions, Video surveillance, video surveillance as a service, video technology, vsaas, wireles solutions, Wireless, wireless camera, wireless infrastructure, wirless
Do you often feel out of the loop when it comes to technology? Well, you are not alone. That is why we at ARK Systems, Inc. have bundled the latest trends in the security industry into one place. Wireless Infrastructure… Read More
Enhanced Business Intelligence
- November 11th, 2011
- Posted in business intelligence, ehanced business intelligence, intelligent technology
- Tags: 50%, 80%, accomplish, Analyze, analyze flat data, ark, ARK Systems, assessment, better management, billions of dollars, business intelligence, business intelligence systems, cameras track, centralized management system, clear, combing, communicate performance, conclusion, conjunction, contractor, correlate, count cash, criminal activity, crucial security, date, designed, designing effective business intelligence systems, Education, Effective, efficiency, emphasis, Enhanced Business Intelligence, entering, exciting, existing technologies, exiting, expert, Facebook, Government, helps, higher performance, identify, in store technologies, incidents, increasing performance, independently, indexed, installation, integrate, intelligent technologies, internal, knowledge, lack of emphasis, manage, managers, manufacturing systems, measurable potential, metrics, new possibilities, next level, options, Performance, physical, physical world, planning, point of sale systems, pos data, pos systems, possible, process, profitability, provide, purpose built, real time, retail, retail theft, right vision, service, single system, store, Surveillance, surveillance systems, system daily, tally, technological planning, Technologies, Technology, testing, theft prevention, time camera, traffic counters, transaction, transportation, Twitter, unattainable level, utilize, vdms, Video, Video analytics, video and datamanagement systems, virtual manager, virtual worlds, working smarter
Every business – whether it is retail, education, government or transportation – is looking for ways to increase efficiency and profitability. One way to accomplish all of this is to better manage and integrate existing technologies. Billions of dollars are… Read More
Guarding the Mainstream
- November 4th, 2011
- Posted in surveillance cameras, surveillance monitoring
- Tags: 500 companies, ark, ARK Systems, assessment, best practice, businesses, catastrophic loss, contractor, crucial security, design, expenditures, Facebook, fatigued, forces, Guarding the Mainstream, human operators, incidents, installation, loitering, loss prevention, mainstream, preventing incidents, protection, reduction, remote operator, security cameras, Security Industry, service, surveillance cameras, surveillance monitoring, testing, theft, trespassing, Twitter, vandalism, video-guarding
Security cameras have traditionally been used to reconstruct past events, not for preventing incidents from happening. That WAS true…until now. In the past, surveillance monitoring was left to human operators. And let’s face it, even the best human operator is… Read More
Study: Surveillance Cams Worth the Money, Don’t Always Reduce Urban Crime
- October 28th, 2011
- Posted in surveillance cameras
- Tags: 12 million, 8.1 million, adopt surveillance cameras, ark, ARK Systems, assessment, baltimore, Chicago, citizen's privacy, Cost-effective, crime incidents, crime reduction, crucial security, design, direct correlation, Don't always reduce urban crime, drastic budget cuts, Facebook, fighting crime, govtech.com, installation, maintenance, massive surveillance initiatives, monitoring, police departments, Privacy, security, security initiatives, security investment, service, Study:Surveillance Cams Worth the Money, surveillance cameras, testing, Twitter, urban institute, visibility of surveillance cameras, washington d.c.
With police departments across the nation experiencing drastic budget cuts, more and more cities are beginning to adopt surveillance cameras as a means to fight crime. But how effective can these security cameras really be at reducing crime? More importantly,… Read More
Sound Advice: How To Design Campus Loudspeaker Systems
- October 21st, 2011
- Posted in sounder systems
- Tags: alerting, ambient noise, ark, ARK Systems, arksysinc.com, assessment, campus safety magazine, cell phone, college campuses, contractor, design, designing, Equipment, expert, Facebook, five factors, imminenet threat, impact, installation, installing an outdoor loudspeaker system, integration, Internet, landline, loudspeaker system, mass notification puzzle, mass notification system, multilingual, notification system, off-site access, off-site computer, onsite acoustic sound, prerecorded messages, security, service, shape, size, Sound Advice: How To Design Campus Loudspeaker Systems, sound travels, specific location, survey, telephone, testing, Twitter, voice communication, warning, wind conditions
In order to better campus security, a properly designed mass notification system is essential. And since not everyone may have access to a telephone or the Internet when a warning is given, a specified loudspeaker system is crucial in alerting… Read More