Except for a brief window where schools reopened for in-person education, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally affected the way schools at all levels operate. When it comes to school safety, this issue is most likely going to be the most pressing concern even as the calendar year of 2020 begins to wind down. After the new year, the academic calendar typically presses on until May or June – it depends on whether or not you are talking about K-12 schools or college and university campuses. Here is some valuable school safety advice to factor into your decisions as you move forward.

When it comes to school safety, this issue is most likely going to be the most pressing concern even as the calendar year of 2020 begins to wind down.
Prioritizing Occupancy Management
Without a doubt, making occupancy management a priority should be at the forefront of your preparations for the near future. Even with a highly effective Coronavirus vaccine almost ready to roll out, 2021 and 2022 are still bound to be filled with uncertainty when it comes time to resume “normal life” from before COVID was a worldwide concern. Shopping malls, for instance, are insisting that all customers wear face masks and that a minimal capacity is being strictly enforced – so why can’t the same principle be applied to all school campuses? Video surveillance and access control systems, along with visitor management protocols are essential.
How to Emphasize Contact Tracing and Screening
Now then, contact tracing was largely unknown before the pandemic began, but it is now part of daily life and school safety alike. Surges in infection cases are becoming more widespread all over the country, which can make tracing and screening more complicated. There are going to plenty of mistakes attributed to simple human error or faulty technology that could return incorrect results. Digital screening questionnaires can help make this procedure much easier for admission officials to manage. Data collection and timely notifications will also be optimized; strict compliance needs to be reasonably balanced against potential disruptions to the typical school day, even at larger institutions.
Focusing on Overall Safety
With all of that in mind, the time has come to focus on overall safety for the entire school community, not just within the physical boundaries of each individual school campus. Positive learning environments encourage students to do their best and can reassure teachers and professors that they are doing their best as well. Anything else is a disservice to everyone involved in the learning process. Limited budgets should not place constraints on safety measures in particular or school safety in general.
Trust the Professionals at ARK Systems
Located in Columbia, Maryland, ARK Systems provides unsurpassed quality and excellence in the security industry, from system design through to installation. We handle all aspects of security with local and remote locations. With over 30 years in the industry, ARK Systems is an experienced security contractor. Trust ARK to handle your most sensitive data storage, surveillance, and security solutions. Contact ARK Systems at 1-800-995-0189 or click here today. Check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!