Does your building meet updated fire codes? There’s a good reason the fire marshal mandates indoor capacities: fire hazards. These fire hazards become much more dangerous and devastating when there are too many people and too few emergency exits—as such,… Read More
Posts Tagged ‘fire’
5 Fundamental Elements of Ensuring Commercial Fire Safety
Does your company have a fire safety protocol? In other words, do you know what you’re supposed to when a fire starts? How will you know if there even is a fire? In emergencies such as this, it’s imperative to… Read More
Why Your Business Needs Fire Alarm Systems
No matter the time of year, a fire can always start unexpectedly. These events are dangerous not only to anyone inside the building but also threaten your business. Luckily, with the right fire alarm systems, you can ensure that your… Read More
Video Can Prove Valuable in Fire Applications
You have video surveillance, you have a security system, and you have a fire alarm. But currently, they are all working as individuals systems. That doesn’t sound very efficient, does it? Fortunately, the security world agrees and has begun to… Read More