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The ROI of an Integrated System on a Campus

Campuses all around the nation are faced with numerous security challenges because of their sheer size, 24/7 access to buildings, large populations, and tight budgets. Because of this, many campus security directors are taking an integrated approach to campus security, allowing them to positively influence several aspects of campus life.

While keycard access to dorms, video surveillance systems, intrusion alarms, and other security aspects were once controlled separately, they are now being integrated. Now, these integrated systems are bringing access control, video, fire and intrusion alerts, mass notification, remote lockdowns and other security technologies together, resulting in safer campuses nationwide. This is because integrated systems not only allow security personal better control over the entire system, but it also allows for a more proactive approach to campus security.

Return on Investment (ROI) of Integrates Systems

Unlike computing the ROI of an appliance, trying to measure the ROI of an integrated system is rather difficult. How do you measure success? It is certainly not in terms of dollars and cents, but rather the prevention of major incidents. What type of value do you assign to a security incident that never happens?

Instead, the ROI of an Integrated System must be measured in long-term success. Has crime decreased? Are incidents being handled in a more efficient and timely manner? If you can answer yes to these questions, then the integrated system is obviously a successful investment.

Benefits of Integrated Systems

  • Increase Effectiveness of Security Personnel: Why use more security officers in an ineffective way when you can cut down on security staff while still increase productivity? That is what an integrated system can do for your campus.
  • Increase the Appeal of Your Campus: A safe campus is more appealing to potential students. It is that simple.
  • Save Money: One use of this type of integrated system is to cut down on fraud. One example is the use of video monitoring integrated with time-clock technology to ensure that the appropriate person is clocking in. And there are many more ways in which your campus can utilize an integrated system to save money!

For any further questions on the Benefits of Integrated Systems, simply contact ARK Systems at 1-800-995-0189 or click here today.

When you consider how crucial security can be, and when you think of all the options that you’re faced with today, one thing becomes clear. You need a contractor with experience. For assessment, design, installation, testing and service, ARK is the expert across the board.

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What’s an Integrated System on Your Campus Worth?

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 26th, 2012 at 7:56 pm. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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