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Widespread Adoption of Biometrics Builds Confidence Among Users

For a long time, biometrics were slow to catch on. Today, though still not completely mainstream, the use of biometrics has increased, as businesses and organizations across various industries are becoming more comfortable with biometric verification systems. Enterprises are also realizing the great potential for the use of biometrics across a number of applications, from customer-facing interfaces to access control and internal security. As biometrics continues to be adopted, confidence is growing in both the business and consumer communities, leading to the replacement of old, outdated systems with modern, secure, biometric ones.

Biometrics: Leading the Way in Security

The original resistance to biometrics stemmed from its use of fingerprints to identify users. Fingerprints were associated with criminal activity, and it was difficult for biometrics to rid itself of the stigma of a seemingly illicit nature. Though this is no longer an issue, modern concerns over biometrics stem from an wariness of collection of personal data, especially something as personal as a fingerprint. Many are unwilling to divulge their fingerprint to an organizational database where it could be vulnerable to a security breach or other malicious digital activity.

Though this concern is legitimate, it’s important to remember that there is an inherent risk in the exchange of personal data over a virtual medium in any kind of transaction, which has come to be accepted as the cost of doing business in the information age. Data transactions over digital mediums have substantially increased the speed and ease of doing business, and security concerns are a risk that one must be willing to accept. Furthermore, security concerns are tampered by the fact that businesses are constantly investing in the latest security technology to protect their customers and employees, biometrics being one of these technologies.

Biometrics is the only method of user authentication that definitively confirms that the user requesting authentication is who they say they are. This actually makes the user safer rather than less safe, as he or she can be confident that no one can steal critical access or authentication information from them because the person themselves is the authentication method. This fact alone far exceeds the security standards of many other authentication protocols, making users, organizations, and businesses safer, and able to operate on a higher, more efficient level. As more enterprises realize the substantial benefits of biometrics, its rate of adoption will only continue to grow.

biometric authentication

Security Systems in Columbia from ARK Systems, Inc.

Located in Columbia, Maryland, ARK Systems is dedicated to providing unsurpassed quality and excellence in the security industry, from system design to installation. We handle all aspects of security with skill and experience. With over 30 years in the industry, ARK Systems is an experienced security contractor. Trust ARK.

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This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 6th, 2014 at 5:06 pm. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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